Monday, March 23, 2009

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Giveaway: New Easy-to-Use Packaging That's Awfully Pretty, Too - WE HAVE OUR WINNERS!!!

The Clorox Company knows that I am ALL about finding stuff that help to make life for busy families (like mine) a little easier, so they're offering 20 (twenty) of our readers a free sample (via coupon) of the new Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Decor Canister.

Because, we roll like that!

[drum roll]

Aaaand, the winners (via are:

Denise 3/17 saying, "I like the purple palm one, because that is my daughter's favorite color."
Linda C 3/14 saying, "I really like the green leaf.  It just reminds me of spring and it's kind of zen...."
Rebecca C 3/19 saying, "I like Purple Clovers!"
Terry G. 3/18 saying, "I really like the citrus jungle. It is a cool design."
Amber S. 3/18 saying, "I love the purple clover. Very pretty!"
Linda2000 3/15 saying, "I like the Blue Squares design"
dianad8008 3/19 saying, "Purple palm was my favorite."
Kathleen S. 3/20 saying, "I love the Purple Clover one, it is very pretty."
Melissa P. 3/16 saying, "I like the Green Squares."
Lisa 3/19 saying, "I like the Blue Squares pattern. Too pretty to do such a dirty job!"
djgroz 3/19 saying, "Purple Clover."
Shiela H. 3/14 saying, "I like the blue squares."
Heather 3/20 saying, "I like the Green Leaf!"
Cassandra 3/18 saying, "I like Purple Clover."
Maria 3/14 saying, "I like the citrus jungle. Thats a fresh clean look."
Shannon 3/20 saying, "I like the green leaf."
Lori Walker 3/15 saying, "my fav design is the green squares"
Estelle 3/14 saying, "I like the green leaf design the most. It would fit in well with my home decor."
purplegengar 3/15 saying, "I like Green Squares because it's very retro"
Jean F. 3/15 saying, "I like the purple clover and green leaf.  Very pretty."

PHEW!  Congratulations, everyone -- gosh, but I love giving stuff away -- a copy of this announcement has been sent to the email address provided when entering this giveaway.  Let me know where to send the coupon for free product and I'll be sure to get it out to you a.s.a.p.  My sincerest appreciation to for sponsoring this giveaway!

Liz Thompson, Owner
This Full House
This Full House Reviews