This Full House has partnered with LeapFrog (once again) in promoting NEA'S National Reading Month, in the 1 Million Reading Hours Pledge, by offering one (1) of our readers a LeapFrog Tag reader plus 5 books for personal use.
But, wait there's more!
In addition to your personal Tag reader, you will receive an expanded-memory LeapFrog School Tag reader plus 10 books to donate to your local library, courtesy of LeapFrog.
[drum roll]
Aaaand, the winner (via is Jennifer Hedden 3/29 saying, "I pledged 30 min a day."
Congratulations -- gosh, but I love giving stuff away -- a copy of this announcement has been sent to the email address provided when entering this giveaway. Please respond to the email for further instructions. My sincerest thanks to for sponsoring this giveaway!
Liz Thompson, Owner