Time for our The Daughter-in-Law Rules: 101 Surefire Ways to Manage (and Make Friends with) Your Mother-In-Law! Drawing! Congratulations Christi!!!! Thanks to all who participated!! Be sure to check back for more contests, reviews and giveaways or sign up for my feed so you won't miss a thing! Caio!! Alyson, the 3 P's Mama Come See My Current Giveaways for a I Love China T-shirt & Olympic Pin, Plum Tea & Teacups, a Panda Pal , and a copy of the Travel Adventures of Lilly Badilly - Costa Rica! http://threepsinapod.blogspot.com for My Life in General http://www.3psmamasays.blogspot.com for Reviews and Giveaways | ||
I NEED this book! My mil recently made some comment about how we (she and I) didn't get along, and I was like, we don't?! We don't always see eye to eye, I'll admit, but I would never go so far as to say that. The thing I like most about the clip was the newsletter signup! Thanks for sharing!